1990s Alternative
The best '90s alternative music essentials! Tune in to the greatest alt-rock bands and the top so...
'90s Pop Alternative
Alternative pop songs that became mainstream hits
Alternative Rock Classics
Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus
Adult Rock
More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative
Double Latte
Coffeehouse singer-songwriter and smooth, comfortable Adult Rock
Adult Rock: The Rockers
Adult Rock for grown-ups who still like it (a little) loud
HitKast Rock
The intersection of pop and rock
Classic Hits
All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey
We're an American Band!
Classic R-O-C-K from the U-S-A!!
Classic Rock Album Cuts
Great songs you may not have heard for a while (or have yet to discover)
'90s Classic Rock
Great rock of the '90s and classic rockers' later recordings
1990s Hits
The hits that defined the decade
Unplugged: Acoustic Versions
Alternative acoustic versions of rock and pop hits, with lots from the MTV performances
This Is Music: 1995
It's been three decades since these tracks ruled the airwaves and MTV...
Rock Alphabet: "S" means Stoked with volume!
Get steeped in Saga, Santana, Stray Cats, Springsteen, Spoon, and Stone Temple Pilots.
Classic Alternative 1992
Big releases from R.E.M., Alice in Chains, Beasties, Lemonheads, and the "Singles" soundtrack...
Lost '90s
You loved these songs... don't forget about them now!
Kurt Hanson's Five-Star Radio
A tasty mix of pop standards, '60s oldies, classic rock, Broadway, and modern alt-country. Kurt i...
Tears Like Rain
Classic '80s & '90s hits for broken hearts and rainy days
Riding The Rails
A crowdsourced channel filled with songs about trains and tracks and choo choos.
This Is Music: 1993
Remember these hits from Meatloaf, UB40, 4 Non Blondes, Snow, and Haddaway?
Javier Porras' Five-Star Radio
Over 400 tracks that span Soul, Rock, Hip Hop, Alternative, and Lite Hits from 5 decades. Javier ...
'80s-'90s Hits: AccuRadio 500
Our listeners' top 500 '80s-'90s Hits by song ratings.
Classic Hits featuring ABBA
Voyage is the first ABBA album in 40 years, hear all the tracks from it in a special version of o...
House Blend: HitKast Rock + Nu Metal + '90s Classic Rock
A rockin' blend created by Chelsea, an AccuRadio listener in Calgary.
Two-hit Treasures: '80s & '90s
These '80s & '90s acts had TWO bites at the apple!
Class of '95: Music of 1991-95
The biggest hits of your school days, plus some "oh wow's" for the '95 graduates
Class of '94: Music of 1990-94
Whitney, R.E.M., Mariah, and the Chili Peppers from your school days
Class of '99: Music of 1995-99
The age of Backstreet Boys, Alanis, the Wallflowers, and Shania
Class of '96: Music of 1992-96
It was "No Diggity," Beck's Odelay, and Céline's Falling Into You that made the Class of '96 soun...
Class of '97: Music of 1993-97
Smash Mouth, Biggie, Jewel, and Chumbawamba hit big when you graduated
Class of '93: Music of 1989-93
Snoop, Cranberries, Ace of Base, and that Meat Loaf song (!) were always on!
Class of '98: Music of 1994-98
Goo Goo Dolls, Lauryn Hill, Jewel, Semisonic, and New Radicals popped for your commencement